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Showing posts from August, 2018

Life in Quarantine: Personal Feelings and Relationships

It is currently day 131 of quarantine. Tbh when I googled “Days Calculator” I expected 400 something days. Then I realized that 1 year equals 365 days. Heh. The past 131 days do feel like 4 times longer. Odd times, don’t you think?   A couple of days ago, an idea sprung to mind. I asked some of my friends a series of questions about the quarantine, focusing on personal feelings and relationships. I might -caps lock on the word MIGHT- make this into a series of quarantine posts, maybe the next one we’ll talk about the future or economy or something else. We’ll see. We’ll see. Anyhow, I curated their answers and I present this to you all. I sincerely hope reading these frank answers will shed light on some of your own feelings and struggles, as they did with me.    "How are you feeling during the first few weeks of quarantine on a scale of 1-10?”   8, soalnya aku introvert dan ga gitu suka pergi-pergi jadi it's okay malah seneng bisa pulang kampung :D   10, seneng banget cuma di

To My Human Readers:

Hi..... I'm back! After a long-ass hiatus on writing I can finally sneak some time to do it. A lot of (only 2) my friends suggest that I should write on english. Here we are, on my 'test' post. Hmm, I sound so stiff. If you have any harsh critics on my style of writing or grammatical errors, you can always press your home button. Or X button. Which ever you prefer. To be honest, I'm not very sure that I can keep up with this so-called travel blog of mine. First, I am a full-time student and a fully-devoted daughter. Second, I don't travel very often! Maybe only twice, max, per year. So I'm thinking to transform this blog into ... lifestyle/thoughts/travel/food blog. Is that too much? At least that way, I can practically write anything I want! I'm not considering being a blogger for money or anything, I just love to write. As cheesy as it sounds, I've always dreamed to be a writer. I actually wrote some short stories during my childhood-teena